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“Refashioned” – Deja Vu Film
Nugent-Custer Performance Hall & Upper Lobby
Friday, November 10, 2023
This event is free to attend. For more information visit: https://www.kid-at-art.com/htdoc/dejavu2023.html
May be an illustration of text that says 'Lincoln-Central Neighborhood Family Center presents an ART AND FINE CRAFT SHOW FEATURING ARTISTS WHO CREATIVELY REUSE AND RECYCLE MATERIALS Deja Vu MIXED MEDIA WEARABLE ART ASSEMBLAGE JEWELRY MOSAIC GLASS ART SCULPTURE NATURAL SUSTAINABLE ART WOODWORKING MUCH MORE! 3RD columbusindiana visitorscenter SAT. NOV. 11・10AM AM -4PM PM THE COMMONS WASHINGTON STREETS COLUMBUS, INDIANA Sponsored the Bartholomew County Solid Waste Management District, Columbus Area Visitors Center, First Financia Bank, Kroot Corporation, and Family Center. Hotel Indigo, Lucabe Coffee provided and'